Computer Club Medical Systems


About us

The Computer Club Medical Systems (CCMS) is an association aiming to support current and retired employees of Philips Healthcare in Best who use a computer as a hobby.

Computers do not have to be the end itself, but can be used to support many other hobbies. Like editing photos and video.

The intention is that the members support each other by exchanging experiences and knowledge.

Through lectures and workshops, the members can acquire new knowledge and can be encouraged to use new applications.

Many books on various computer subjects can be found in the Computer Club library.

It is also possible to borrow various materials.


CCMS was founded in 1986 - a time when few computers were used at home.

The occasion was the sale of the Philips Yes-computer to employers in Best. There was much to learn before you could do anything with the computers of the day. Moreover the club offered the opportunity to share knowledge of the Philips P2000 computer.

In 1987 a so called "private PC project" was organized by the Computer Club where members could order a real MS-DOS computer. The Computer Club was supported by Medical Systems because the employees’ computer knowledge became more and more important to the company.

Many lectures and courses were organized in the Computer Club by enthusiastic employees. Topics such as the usual programming language GW-Basic, or the popular word processor WordPerfect, were of great interest. User groups were founded with interests in modems, bulletin boards, other programming languages, databases, and desktop publishing.

Information about the Computer Club was distributed to members via a floppy newspaper. Members could get a floppy disk from the clubhouse and read it on their own computer.

Nowadays, nearly every household has one computer or another, linked to the Internet, where lots of information is available. There is always something new to learn. The Computer Club continues to offer shelter to many people using a computer as a hobby.

In 2011 the 25th anniversary was celebrated exuberantly.

For years, the club has been housed on the Philips Healthcare site. This has expired in 2019.